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Guidelines for Effective Email Creative

Guidelines for Effective
Email Creative
he growing complexity of today’s email market has created a deeper need
to carefully consider the creative aspects of your email messages. While the
need for quality and effective design has always existed from a pure marketing
standpoint, challenges that are unique to the email space require a different
look at creative from the perspective of accomplishing specific goals via email.
This chapter introduces several critical parameters that should be given creative
consideration, and provides tactics to optimize creative for maximum results.
The Facts
Research that analyzes how people view emails indicates marketers have three
seconds to catch readers’ interest. That’s a limited amount of time to make an
impression, inspire readers to keep reading, and get them to complete your
desired action. Compound that data with additional research that suggests
readers keep at most eight brands in their inbox at one time, and it’s clear that
the need for great creative is paramount to your email marketing success.
Define the Goal of the Message
Most email messages have at least one of the following goals:
• Drive readers to a desired action
• Set a mood/tone/expectation
• Create a perception
• Reinforce a brand/identity/awareness
Before optimizing your email creative, you need to define the goal of your
program. This definition will drive the aspects that require optimization.
Keep it Relevant
The key to engaging readers is providing relevant content. There is a plethora
of opportunities to tie content to calendared events. A grand theme isn’t
necessary—even small tie-ins can create recognition and build relevancy in the
eyes of your readers. An example of this is Google’s variations of their logo,
which is sometimes changed daily. It’s a small action, but widely recognized by
users. The following ideas scratch the surface of possibilities.
• New Year’s—
Reset expectations-what should recipients do or expect
from you in the new year?
• Valentine’s Day—
• St. Patrick’s Day—
• Super Bowl, or other major sporting events
• Major news stories
• Entertainment events—
Oscars/red carpet
Creative Consistency Across Different Email Clients
Looking good does not always act good. The creative that looks perfect in your
email client may look far from perfect in another recipient’s email client. When
designing your creative, you need to consider how the design could render in
various email clients. For example, Hotmail will display a common tag you
might use for a bullet point—•—as foreign characters. (Instead, you’ll
need to use the <li> tag.) Clients will display table formatting, style formatting,
background formatting, etc. in different ways. Specifically, Microsoft Outlook
2007 does not support background images and does not support background
colors in table cells that contain nested tables. In general, be sure you test your
design on a number of email clients, especially the major ones.
Another consideration is the width of your email messages. Depending on
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative
screen resolutions, the email message that fits nicely on your screen may require
horizontal scrolling on someone else’s screen. Besides the annoyance factor, if
any of your important content is hidden by the scroll, your readers may miss
it and not read further. If you keep the width to 600 pixels or smaller, the vast
majority of readers will see your full message within their screen.
Although it is possible to use a variable width instead of a fixed width to
accommodate all resolutions, variable widths do not hold items static within
the message. Text and images will slide back and forth across the screen to
accommodate screen size. Variable width email messages are not recommended.
Images are obviously an important aspect of your design as they draw interest
and help communicate your message. So the bigger the better, right? Not
necessarily. There are several factors to consider when using large images. One
is load time. Large images take more time to download than smaller images.
While a growing number of Internet users connect to the Internet with
broadband, you will certainly annoy and possibly lose the interest of someone
with a slower connection who has to wait for your images to download. One
way around this is to slice a large image into smaller images.
Another aspect to consider is how your email message will look to someone
who has images disabled in their email client. If you don’t have any text “above
the fold” and your reader has images disabled, all they will see when they first
open or preview your message is a large gray box. For readers to even view your
message, you are relying on them to take an action and enable images to be
downloaded. If readers don’t have a compelling reason to do so, they may very
easily discard your message without reading it. Consider interspersing text with
images and using <alt> tags. To be sure your message accomplishes its goal in all
situations, preview your message with images off so you know exactly how other
people will see it, and make any necessary design changes.
Preview Panes
A recent MarketingSherpa study found that over 95 percent of B2B email
recipients are using an email client that is capable of using preview panes,
and 69 percent are actually using preview panes. The percentage for B2C
recipients was lower with only 38 percent using a client that was preview
pane capable and 27 percent using preview panes. However, new versions of
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative
Windows Live Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail feature preview panes. This means
a much higher percentage of B2C recipients will soon be able to use preview
panes if they wish. MarketingSherpa’s same study found that when given a
choice to use a preview pane, 69 percent of respondents chose to do so.
This means that paying extra attention to your preview pane design will
become increasingly important to the success of your email campaigns.
Make sure any important headlines are text. If your message is image heavy,
replicate the key points as text at the top of your email. If sending an email
newsletter, consider listing the article titles or key points at the top of your
message. All these steps should entice readers and give them reasons to open
your message.
Rich Media
Advances in online media technology have enabled you to do some pretty
cool things on the web. For instance, Flash-embedded video and audio. But
do these technologies transfer to the email marketing world? In some cases,
they might. The most important step in determining whether to use rich
media in email is to take a close look at your audience. Will they be able
to view Flash? And if they are, are they more likely to respond to Flash? If
the answer to both these questions is yes, then it certainly makes sense to
test. However, you’ll find that being able to view Flash and other rich media
consistently in different email clients is not common. Flash is not supported
in many email clients. Specifically, Microsoft Outlook 2007 does not support
Flash or video. Even with email clients that do support rich media, your
audience may not yet be ready to receive this new technology via email, and
using it could affect response rates. Another factor to consider is the ability to
track activity generated by rich media.
Links and Call-Out Areas That Are Clickable
One of the most important areas of your email message creative is your call
to action, which in most cases is clicking on a link for further information,
to register for an event, or to make a purchase. Your call to action needs to
not only be prominent, but also look as if it is clickable. You can get fancy
with text links so that they barely look different from plain text, but if
someone doesn’t know they can click to get more information, you’ve just
lost a possible sale. Format your links so there’s no doubt they are clickable.
You may even want to spell it out: “Click here for more information.” If you
are using images for links, make sure the image looks like a clickable image
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative
as well. For example, use a red box or orange oval with text inside that reads
“More information” or “Order now.”
To generate more activity within your email and to track readers’ interest, provide
a variety of actionable items by creating shorter blocks of content with prompts to
click for further information. This allows you to present various information in an
easy-to-scan format. Since 95 percent of readers will scan for articles that interest
them, this is a great way to present information. Avoid longer articles that force
readers to scroll through your message to get to different areas of interest. Seeing
link activity also allows you to see what articles readers were interested in, and you
can then send targeted follow-up messages to those readers.
To track web activity past the click, add URL parameters to your links. This
is done by placing a small piece of code at the end of your link. For example,
. This code can be acquired
or recommended by your web analytics software application or service. In
combination with web analytics software, this allows you to track revenue
generated or other specific actions.
Technical Aspects to Consider
If you are not the designer or technically inclined, you might skip this section.
Make sure anyone designing your email knows these rules.
Cascading style sheets (CSS) allow you to easily manipulate design
without generating extra code. Here are some things to keep in mind
when using style sheets in code to display properly in email clients.
We strongly recommend ALWAYS using INLINE styles as this is the
only Gmail-supported CSS.
• If you are not using inline styles, the style sheet must be placed
after the <body> tag in your HTML code.
• If you are not using inline styles, any class declarations that start
with a period should be indented at least one space.
• CSS background images are not supported in all email clients.
Using CSS to specify width or height is not supported in all email clients.
• CSS margins are not supported in all email clients.
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative
• CSS float and position declarations DO NOT work in Microsoft
Outlook 2007.
• Use <td class> tags when possible to avoid excessive <span> tags.
• Place <br> inside the </span> tag to avoid irregular spacing.
Additionally, form fields may not be universally accepted or properly displayed
by email clients. Specifically, forms are not supported in Microsoft Outlook
2007. It is best to not use form fields at all. Instead, direct readers to a page on
your website to collect information using forms.
Image maps also may not be universally accepted or properly displayed by email
clients. Specifically, they are not supported in Yahoo! Mail. It is best to wrap
your <a href> around the <img src> tag. Or, if you do not want the entire image
to be clickable, you should cut the graphic into slices and wrap your <a href>
around the <img src> tag of the slice you want to be clickable. This means that,
first, you will need to place the slices into table cells.
Landing Page Considerations
Getting readers to click on links in your email is your first goal. Your second
goal is to convert those clicks into a desired action. Increase your conversions
with a well-designed landing page. Although this is not a chapter about landing
pages, we’ll list a few things to keep in mind when designing your landing page.
Match the message and elements of your landing page with your email message.
For best results, repeat the headline from your email message at the top of your
landing page. This gives visitors a feeling of familiarity and comfort. It tells
them that they have arrived at the right place.
Create a single path to your offer. Your landing page needs to be designed to
prevent visitors from wandering away from the path you want them to take.
Therefore, eliminate unneeded elements, such as links to other resources,
navigation bars, etc. Keep visitors focused on completing the desired action.
Viral opportunities
A recent survey by Sharpe Partners found that almost 90 percent of adult
Internet users share content with others via email. And the respondents are
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative
forwarding frequently—three out of five said they shared content at least once
a week and 25 percent reported doing so even more frequently. Encourage your
readers to do the same by providing a clearly visible “Forward to a friend” button
in your email. The most common placement for this is the top right corner. If
your emails are business-to-business in nature, use “Forward to a colleague.” This
also allows you to track how many people are forwarding your email, and to
know who your top supporters are.
Optimizing email creative is both an art and a science. It should also be a
never-ending process. Our best recommendation for optimizing the creative
for your email messages is to take a close look at your messages, and try to
implement a few of the areas noted. After you’ve made some changes, track
the results and optimize a few more areas. It’s better to make progress in small,
manageable steps than to wait and plan for a long-term change that never
comes to fruition. If examined on a regular basis, email creative can be a major
contributor to the growth and success of your email marketing efforts.
Guidelines for Effective Email Creative


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