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Showing posts with the label Argentina

Argentina's Central Bank Hikes Interest Rates to 97% in Desperate Attempt to Curb Inflation

 Argentina's High Interest Rates: A Sign of Economic Trouble Argentina Hikes Interest Rates to 97% to Curb Inflation Deep Economic Problems Facing Argentina Argentina's Central Bank Hikes Interest Rates Argentina Hikes Interest Rates to 97% to Curb Inflation Argentina's Central Bank raised its benchmark interest rate to 97% on Monday, May 16, 2023. This is the highest interest rate in the world. The move is an attempt to curb inflation, which is running at an annual rate of 108%. Inflation in Argentina Inflation in Argentina has been rising for years. In 2022, inflation reached an annual rate of 50.9%. In 2023, inflation is expected to be even higher, reaching an annual rate of 108%. Economic Crisis in Argentina The high inflation is a sign of the deep economic problems facing Argentina. The country has been in a recession for the past two years, and the economy is expected to contract again in 2023. Government Debt in Argentina The government of Argentina is also strugglin...